Space Hedge

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Space Hedge


An innovative solution that utilizes Gimbal proximity beacons to locate family members and make recommendations using Bluetooth Low Energy equipment. Intended for use at amusement parks to keep an eye on family members and provide context-aware recommendations for nearby attractions, restaurants, or activities. 

H&L Consulting was engaged to develop the app by creating the backend in JavaScript, front end in native Android Java, and implementing functionality to create peace of mind for users. 


The app needed to be streamlined and easy to use at busy attraction venues where users: 

  • Require real-time updates on the location of their family members. 
  • Need context-aware recommendations for nearby attractions and services. 
  • Expect a user-friendly interface that works efficiently even in crowded environments. 


Leveraging an array of technologies such as Gimbal proximity beacons and Bluetooth Low Energy, we designed a solution that provides a seamless experience for users at amusement parks, ensuring that they can locate family members at a moment’s notice and receive timely alerts reformations based on the user’s environment. With Gimbal proximity sensors strategically placed around a venue, and performance optimization of BLE sensors, users can rely on accurate information at minimal battery use. 


H&L Consulting’s innovative solution provided a seamless experience for users at amusement parks, ensuring they could easily locate family members and receive timely, context-aware recommendations. The app’s streamlined user interface and efficient performance contributed to increased user satisfaction and lead technological solutions for its time. 

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